Why install a Solar system

Solar energy is a clean, renewable, and affordable source of power that can benefit both your home or business and the environment. Here are some reasons why you should install solar to your home or business:

  • Solar reduces (and sometimes eliminates) electric bills: by generating your own electricity from the sun, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and save money on your energy costs. Depending on the size and performance of your solar system, you may even produce more electricity than you consume and earn money back from your electricity provider.
  • Solar improves the value of your home or business: Installing solar panels can increase the attractiveness and marketability of your property, as more buyers and renters are looking for energy-efficient and eco-friendly options. Studies have shown that solar homes sell faster and for higher prices than comparable non-solar homes.
  • Solar reduces your carbon emissions: solar energy is a green alternative to fossil fuels that does not emit any greenhouse gases or air pollutants that contribute to climate change and environmental degradation. By switching to solar, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the planet for future generations. 
  • Solar protects against rising energy costs: the price of electricity from the grid is subject to fluctuations and increases over time, depending on factors such as supply and demand, fuel costs, and inflation. Solar energy, on the other hand, is free and abundant, and the cost of solar panels has been steadily declining over the years. By locking in a low and fixed rate for your solar power, you can hedge against the uncertainty and volatility of the energy market.
  • Solar benefits the community: solar energy can create jobs, stimulate the economy, and support local businesses. The solar industry employs hundreds of thousands of workers in various sectors, such as manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and sales. Solar energy can also reduce the dependence on imported fuels, enhance energy security and foster social equity by providing access to clean and affordable power for under-served communities.

However, installing solar panels is not a simple or easy task. It requires a professional and competent business that can:

  • Assess your energy needs and goals: SES as a qualified solar installer can help you determine the optimal size, type, and location of your solar system based on your electricity consumption, roof space, budget, and preferences. We can also advise you on the best financing options, incentives, and warranties available for your project.
  • Install the solar system according to the relevant standards and regulations: a certified solar installer can ensure that your solar system meets the safety and quality requirements of the local authorities, utility companies, and manufacturers. They can also handle the necessary permits, inspections, and interconnection processes for you.
  • Test the solar system functionality and performance: a professional solar installer can check that your solar system is working properly and efficiently after installation. They can also provide you with monitoring tools and services to track your solar production and savings over time.
  • Maintain the solar system over its lifetime: a reputable solar installer can offer you ongoing support and maintenance for your solar system to ensure that it operates at its peak performance for years to come. They can also help you troubleshoot any issues or problems that may arise with your solar system.
  • Therefore, installing solar to your home or business is a smart and sustainable decision that can bring you many benefits in terms of saving money, reducing emissions, increasing value, and supporting the community. However, it is also important to choose a professional and competent business that can install your solar system safely, correctly, and efficiently.

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